Mamaki Tea Brewing Instructions
Mamaki Tea can be brewed in the following ways:
Stove Top Boil (Recommended, most robust flavor):
1) Heat up approximately 1 Liter of drinking water in a medium size boiling pot at high heat. Once the water comes to a boil, carefully put in a generous sized handful of dry, loose Mamaki tea leaves. Mix, submerge, and boil for 15 minutes.
2) Remove saturated wet leaves from the boiling pot with a draining spoon, or use a colander to separate loose leaves from the brewed tea.
3) Enjoy the tea in its original flavor or infuse the tea with other flavors. Can be enjoyed hot or cold.
1) Steep Mamaki tea as you would with any other type of tea in a bag or in loose leaf form. The longer the tea leaves are allowed to steep, the more robust the flavor and darker the color. It is recommended to allow the tea to steep for at least at 10 minutes. (Recommended serving size: 1 gram per cup)
2) Enjoy the tea in its original flavor or infuse the tea with other flavors. Can be enjoyed hot or cold.
To purchase Mamaki Tea directly on this website, click here